Not to get all religous but it is often said that Jesus taught about love and peace. He sure was turning in his grave uuhm i mean looking down from above shaking his head when he saw a bunch of thugged out monks acting a crazy hot mess at his old grave site in Jerusalem. The brawl supposedly broke out when one gang of monks known as A.O.M. (Armenian Orthodox Monks) began marching in to celebrate the weapon that killed Jesus. Another gang known as G.O.M. (Greek Orthodox Monks) didn’t like how the A.O.M dissed them by not including them in the celebration. The G.O.M blocked the A.O.M march and he who was with sin began casting punches. Israeli police had to break up the ruckus and one man from each side was arrested. One gangster monk from G.O.M had a big gash on his forehead which he claimed was caused by a sucker punch that broke his glasses.
Monks acting this way. What a hot mess. Watch this crazy hot mess below