Lord of the Flies , written by William Golding, is a story about young boys stranded on an island. The novel supposed satirized society and the interactions of good and evil. In the story, the brutal slaying of a female pig takes place and her severed head is impaled with a sharp stake and left upright in the jungle as an offering to a monster feared to be on the island. This corny high school English lesson was told only to introduce a bizarre real life story that happened this past Sunday.
A woman leaving for work with her 9-year-old daughter on Sunday morning found a frozen pig head stuck on top of a pole next to a tree in her yard. Now that’s some “Lord of the Flies” shit. Jennifer Keller said the sight terrified her daughter. Caldwell Police Sgt. Jim Watson said the head may have been there for just a few hours before being discovered. The perpetrator of this crazy bizarre savage act could be charged with disturbing the peace; a misdemeanor. How about being charged with being disturbed?