The average American student experiences some amazing milestones during their public school career. These moments will stay with them for a lifetime, ranging from a first kiss, to prom, and the inevitable graduation.
One of the less talked about milestones for American public school students, however, is the terrible quality of food in the cafeteria. Some schools’ lunches are better (and worse) than others, a lesson that the students of Hawkins County school system in Tennessee learned the hard way.
Late last month, the district started fielding complaints from parents after a particularly gross lunch of “pork roast” was served to the children.
As the complaints kept rolling in, the district began investigating. It turns out that the meat served to the children had been sitting in the district’s freezers since 2009.
Steve Starnes, county director of the school, pledged to implement inspection reforms so this type of thing doesn’t happen again.